Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We have lift off...

This is your I.T. Chief speaking.

This is my first post, just to say that the Senior's Blog is finally done. (Yalah, I know TL got first post lah...=_=")

Anyway, current happenings:

1) Bakau rack still needs people (Victims for Hentai...) to build, please help out.
2) PLC meeting this Saturday. See above post.
3) Cleaning the Den. I swear to God, no matter how many times we clean the place, SOMEHOW by the act of God's unfavorable wrath or some Satanic influence, it WILL get dirty and messy again. God must be bored sitting up there...
4) Recruits camp postponed again... I have nothing good to say...

That's all for now.

Now for something completely different.
Some stupid incidents worth laughing about.

It was just after the troop meeting, Hentai(Kian Min) had just failed the flag ceremony despite ample warning from me to practice. Let's just say, I was pretty pissed that he failed it, because I had reminded Hentai to come attend the Flag ceremony standardization which just happened a week before and he forgot.

So the thing is, just after the ceremony, an angry mob of: Me, Wai Yew, Kin Meng and a couple of others started to whoop Hentai's sorry gluteous Maximus (what you sit on...) like there was no tomorrow. A few minutes later, one of us somehow managed to get a hold of a water balloon and threw it smack dab on Hentai's homosexual crotch. Needless to say it was painful (GOOD!) and it also became soggy wet (Like Hentai's brain...)

So then Hentai, in a bout of pure 'Kian Min'ess' (i.e. Doing something very stupid and demeaning to a level that only Kian Min can master...) went and squeezed his pants RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. Giving the illusion that he was peeing while squeezing his 'you know what' in front of us. Whatsmore, I think there were a couple of Girl Guides who saw it and were scarred for life...

I tell you ah, Hentai is... special. To say the least.

Signing off now.

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