Alright, this is it ppl. The last post by me.
There hasn't been much stuff since the last month. However, the AGM is coming up. So see you there.
Date: 16/8/08
Venue: SMKTS
That is all, Bye.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What has happened so far...
I know its been a long time since an update, so with out further ado...
1) Hari Kantin
It was a glorious day. Caely was put in charge of the Scouts booth in school and as usual, all the Seniors became her slaves.
The Scouts sold 3 types of edible items: Pan-fried Honey chicken (Tepanyaki style), Tau Foo Fah and Peach/strawberry flavoured Tea.
(Pictures will be provided in next post)
So, we had 2 full-time Tepanyaki chefs (Geoffrey and Kin Meng) at the booth splattering hot oil on everyone close by. It was fun to say the least as they yelped in sudden pain.
Surprisingly, the Honey chicken was a hot-sell as at one point, we had a total of 27!! orders on the waiting list. The Chefs had to work non-stop till their arms blistered with sizzling oil to say the least.
After the morning session was over, we had collected a total of Rm 550++. It was then we decided to go for a thousand bucks.
The afternoon session was equally crowded as the first session. Before long, we had sold off all our Honey Chicken. However, The Tau Foo Fah wasn't doing so well.
So the Seniors banded up and came up with a masochistic idea.
For 1 ringgit, Two Seniors would race against time to eat one bowl of Tau Foo Fah. With the slowest one the loser. Sort of like one those TV game shows. You might now ask: "Who would be such a big sucker as to pay for that?!"
You would be surprised as the Juniors paid more that RM20 for this sort of thing. Most notable of course, was the match up between me and Chee Ken. 2 bowls of Tau Foo Fah in one minute. I finished both in 30 sec and proceeded to the Kantin to puke... while Chee Ken put on a Barney mask to dance in front of Pn. Julie...
In total, we earned a record breaking Rm 850 give or take.
2)Hari Sukan Marching.
That day was an awesome day. Especially since we got third place(a first in many years...) and our squad consisted mainly of Form 1 & 2s. The Squad commander was yours truly.
What was really surprising was that the Juniors LOVED to march...
Our Formation was the 'peace' sign shaped like a Swastika. (The one on Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu for Bleach watchers)
In short, We had a victory party later in McD. Also, a BBQ is being planned as a victory bash later.
In Other News...
1)Bukit Bintang Campfire coming up. If you want to go, please write down your name in the piece of paper in front of the scout den to avoid Sir Yee En screwing you.
2)The Scouts Association of Malaysia has officially entered Malaysian Book of Records for building the tallest structure using only Bakau.

More updates to come...
1) Hari Kantin
It was a glorious day. Caely was put in charge of the Scouts booth in school and as usual, all the Seniors became her slaves.
The Scouts sold 3 types of edible items: Pan-fried Honey chicken (Tepanyaki style), Tau Foo Fah and Peach/strawberry flavoured Tea.
(Pictures will be provided in next post)
So, we had 2 full-time Tepanyaki chefs (Geoffrey and Kin Meng) at the booth splattering hot oil on everyone close by. It was fun to say the least as they yelped in sudden pain.
Surprisingly, the Honey chicken was a hot-sell as at one point, we had a total of 27!! orders on the waiting list. The Chefs had to work non-stop till their arms blistered with sizzling oil to say the least.
After the morning session was over, we had collected a total of Rm 550++. It was then we decided to go for a thousand bucks.
The afternoon session was equally crowded as the first session. Before long, we had sold off all our Honey Chicken. However, The Tau Foo Fah wasn't doing so well.
So the Seniors banded up and came up with a masochistic idea.
For 1 ringgit, Two Seniors would race against time to eat one bowl of Tau Foo Fah. With the slowest one the loser. Sort of like one those TV game shows. You might now ask: "Who would be such a big sucker as to pay for that?!"
You would be surprised as the Juniors paid more that RM20 for this sort of thing. Most notable of course, was the match up between me and Chee Ken. 2 bowls of Tau Foo Fah in one minute. I finished both in 30 sec and proceeded to the Kantin to puke... while Chee Ken put on a Barney mask to dance in front of Pn. Julie...
In total, we earned a record breaking Rm 850 give or take.
2)Hari Sukan Marching.
That day was an awesome day. Especially since we got third place(a first in many years...) and our squad consisted mainly of Form 1 & 2s. The Squad commander was yours truly.
What was really surprising was that the Juniors LOVED to march...
Our Formation was the 'peace' sign shaped like a Swastika. (The one on Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu for Bleach watchers)
In short, We had a victory party later in McD. Also, a BBQ is being planned as a victory bash later.
In Other News...
1)Bukit Bintang Campfire coming up. If you want to go, please write down your name in the piece of paper in front of the scout den to avoid Sir Yee En screwing you.
2)The Scouts Association of Malaysia has officially entered Malaysian Book of Records for building the tallest structure using only Bakau.

More updates to come...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Annual Camp 2008 (pt3)
Day 3
Day 2 was over; and Day 3 had begun.
Well, first thing in the morning: Oversleep. Commando Cross was canceled due to that. Instead, we had Marching again for about an hour or so.
So as we marched, breakfast was being prepared by the juniors. Whom took their sweet time in doing so.
After that, we were ordered to prepare for Morning Inspection. So all of us immediately jetted to our sleeping room and began preparing our stuff to be displayed.
After that, it was time for a joint activity with all camp participants. Not much to say about that activity, except for Sir Faruq who was pretty while he led the activity. Also the Seniors were the loudest and lively during the activity, so good job again, Seniors; it seems we excel in this sort of social activity.
Then, it was time to start cleaning up the school in preparation to go home. Which was largely uneventful. Except for the Seniors who were in charge of dismantling last nights structure. Did you know? Leaving a completely built structure overnight with a full-scale downpour of rain is going to be...unpleasant to say the least. Seeing as how the bloody thing would be hell to untie the next day.
Finaly after an hour and a half of cleaning up, it was time for Flag Break.
Whatever patrol was voted the best patrol and was given a hamper.
So, good job Seniors, we rocked the camp...

The Seniors of the camp.
Day 2 was over; and Day 3 had begun.
Well, first thing in the morning: Oversleep. Commando Cross was canceled due to that. Instead, we had Marching again for about an hour or so.
So as we marched, breakfast was being prepared by the juniors. Whom took their sweet time in doing so.
After that, we were ordered to prepare for Morning Inspection. So all of us immediately jetted to our sleeping room and began preparing our stuff to be displayed.
After that, it was time for a joint activity with all camp participants. Not much to say about that activity, except for Sir Faruq who was pretty while he led the activity. Also the Seniors were the loudest and lively during the activity, so good job again, Seniors; it seems we excel in this sort of social activity.
Then, it was time to start cleaning up the school in preparation to go home. Which was largely uneventful. Except for the Seniors who were in charge of dismantling last nights structure. Did you know? Leaving a completely built structure overnight with a full-scale downpour of rain is going to be...unpleasant to say the least. Seeing as how the bloody thing would be hell to untie the next day.
Finaly after an hour and a half of cleaning up, it was time for Flag Break.
Whatever patrol was voted the best patrol and was given a hamper.
So, good job Seniors, we rocked the camp...

The Seniors of the camp.
Wow~~ examz period is still on. We are sorry for not having any scout's activity on this period of time for u people. As u know.. today is mothers day.. have u say happy mothers day to ur mom? if not yet. den pls say it. lol.. since it is once a year. >.<>Cooking!
2. Jungle trekking.
3. River hiking~
4. Water Rugby..
5. Fiji oven ( dunno wads tat?? go for the camp den u will find out..)
6 Chopping down bamboo~~
7. Building bungalow with bamboo!
8. Obstacle course in the jungle~~
>>>>> PICTURE TIME<<<<<
Building bungalow.. Strong man~~

think it isnt stable enough?? try it urself in camp~

no place to hang ur clothes? how about this??

Fiji oven chicken or.. chicken rice boiled chicken? haha

river hiking .. teamwork needed~

how about rock climbing HERE?!!

Good food in camp. on the bamboo table~
We really hope for ur
For more infomation, pls refer to our Troop Leader = Lee Kin Meng or ur patrol leader..
2. Jungle trekking.
3. River hiking~
4. Water Rugby..
5. Fiji oven ( dunno wads tat?? go for the camp den u will find out..)
6 Chopping down bamboo~~
7. Building bungalow with bamboo!
8. Obstacle course in the jungle~~
>>>>> PICTURE TIME<<<<<

Building bungalow.. Strong man~~

think it isnt stable enough?? try it urself in camp~

no place to hang ur clothes? how about this??

Fiji oven chicken or.. chicken rice boiled chicken? haha

river hiking .. teamwork needed~

how about rock climbing HERE?!!

Good food in camp. on the bamboo table~
We really hope for ur
For more infomation, pls refer to our Troop Leader = Lee Kin Meng or ur patrol leader..
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Annual Camp 2008 (pt2)
Day 2
After a restful nap of 3 hours, Day 2 had begun for the seniors.
First thing wake- go toilet; only to find it infested with the opposite sex using it as you enter groggily.
So as they argued with toothpaste in their mouth about which gender should use which toilet, Everyone else was getting ready for their first activity:
We seniors seem to have nothing better to do other than to wake up 6 AM to get ready for marching. Oh well, such is the life of a Senior...
Anyway, after about an hour of marching, it was time for breakfast. Which consisted of: 1 sausage, 1 slice of toast and 1 hard-boiled egg. Furthermore, we were going to be doing Pioneering next. I therefore conclude that the amount of food given above is more than enough energy to: 1) Carry numerous Bakau's 2) Tie said Bakau's tightly with Jut rope (Requires about 5 minutes of constant tugging and pulling with all your strength per lashing.) 3) Raise said structure up once complete and 4) Endure through 2-3 hours of Backwoodsman cooking before lunch at 2-3 PM.
I would also like to say that Sir Tuck Loong said that our Hourglass tower was the straightest he had ever seen. Well done, Seniors.
Some photos of said activity.

( The Seniors of 2008)

(The Missing Photographer)

(Lifting up the base)

(Our TL trying to be a monkey) [Note the spikes below him...]

(The splinter group building their own structure.)

(Monkey see, monkey do.)

(Until ladder break, thats when monkey can see but cannot do...)
Yes, the ladder broke after I climbed up... God is bored...
Anyway, after I flew down via my super acrobatic abilities, it was time for Backwoodsman cooking.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words so:
( White Spot patrol in their glory.)

(Whatever patrol gathering around what seems to be crap on a banana leaf...)

(Caely presenting her main cooking ingredient: Dung) [Or is it mud?]
In the end, Caely's patrol had the best chicken, though the Scouter's helped them much more than anyone else. White Spot came in a close second.
After lunch it was a bit of relaxation time for us Seniors. Heavy lunch ya see...
It was then we began planning for our Cultural Night sketch. Details later as they say to save the best for last.
Our next activity: Treasure Hunting for our dinner. White Spot patrol got Sir Cheng Keat to hide their food in the most stupid of places (Inside clogged water pipe and another item inside a bush full of spiky leaves for example.)
As the sun began to set, it was time to cook dinner. It was disastrous for the White Spot Patrol... to say the least.Seeing as how no one could cook properly, while the only one who could was me; often with edibility only in mind instead of taste as well.
Then it was time for our Cultural Night.
I would like to state now that the Seniors owned the floor that night. Rocking the camp with the awesome-est sketch ever in my 5 years as a scout. Furthermore, we even created a song to go along.
But first, the details.
Title: Camp Break (Derived from Prison Break)
Woman, what are you doing here?
I said,
Woman, you cannot pass through here.
I said,
Woman, you cannot exit the camp,
You must-have-a-permission-slip.
(Tun, Tun, Tun, Tuuun.)
You must have a permission slip.
You must have a permission slip.
You can go out of camp,
No matter who you are,
You just must a permission slip!
And so on and so forth.
Some more pictures:

(Snow White using Facebook.)

(Snow White entering camp)

(Ah Long and Mr. Ah Long talking.)

(Sir Vincent showing off.)

(Seniors singing the song above while dancing.)

(Sir Faruq calling for Snow White.)
All in all, the Scouters were pretty amazed by our performance that night. Actually, everyone was. So, another job well done, Seniors. Oorah.
After that it was time for our open talk. Many issues were settled and we were all dead tired by the end of it. So then it was off for some shut eye for the next day.
(To Be Continued)
After a restful nap of 3 hours, Day 2 had begun for the seniors.
First thing wake- go toilet; only to find it infested with the opposite sex using it as you enter groggily.
So as they argued with toothpaste in their mouth about which gender should use which toilet, Everyone else was getting ready for their first activity:
We seniors seem to have nothing better to do other than to wake up 6 AM to get ready for marching. Oh well, such is the life of a Senior...
Anyway, after about an hour of marching, it was time for breakfast. Which consisted of: 1 sausage, 1 slice of toast and 1 hard-boiled egg. Furthermore, we were going to be doing Pioneering next. I therefore conclude that the amount of food given above is more than enough energy to: 1) Carry numerous Bakau's 2) Tie said Bakau's tightly with Jut rope (Requires about 5 minutes of constant tugging and pulling with all your strength per lashing.) 3) Raise said structure up once complete and 4) Endure through 2-3 hours of Backwoodsman cooking before lunch at 2-3 PM.
I would also like to say that Sir Tuck Loong said that our Hourglass tower was the straightest he had ever seen. Well done, Seniors.
Some photos of said activity.

( The Seniors of 2008)

(The Missing Photographer)

(Lifting up the base)

(Our TL trying to be a monkey) [Note the spikes below him...]

(The splinter group building their own structure.)

(Monkey see, monkey do.)

(Until ladder break, thats when monkey can see but cannot do...)
Yes, the ladder broke after I climbed up... God is bored...
Anyway, after I flew down via my super acrobatic abilities, it was time for Backwoodsman cooking.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words so:

(Whatever patrol gathering around what seems to be crap on a banana leaf...)

(Caely presenting her main cooking ingredient: Dung) [Or is it mud?]
In the end, Caely's patrol had the best chicken, though the Scouter's helped them much more than anyone else. White Spot came in a close second.
After lunch it was a bit of relaxation time for us Seniors. Heavy lunch ya see...
It was then we began planning for our Cultural Night sketch. Details later as they say to save the best for last.
Our next activity: Treasure Hunting for our dinner. White Spot patrol got Sir Cheng Keat to hide their food in the most stupid of places (Inside clogged water pipe and another item inside a bush full of spiky leaves for example.)
As the sun began to set, it was time to cook dinner. It was disastrous for the White Spot Patrol... to say the least.Seeing as how no one could cook properly, while the only one who could was me; often with edibility only in mind instead of taste as well.
Then it was time for our Cultural Night.
I would like to state now that the Seniors owned the floor that night. Rocking the camp with the awesome-est sketch ever in my 5 years as a scout. Furthermore, we even created a song to go along.
But first, the details.
Title: Camp Break (Derived from Prison Break)
- Geoffrey Kok- Sir Fung Chuan
- Leong Wai Yew- Sir Vincent 'X' Lim
- Chan Chee Kin- Sir Faruq
- Teng Han Liang- Sir Cheng Keat
- Ooi Khai Sern- Miss May Suan
- Lee Kin Meng- Gate Guard
- Caely See- Ah Long
- Lee Kar Sing- Ah Long's Husband
- Joel Soon- Snow Black
- Lim Jun Yan- Snow Blacker
- Adrian- Camp Mate
- Tan Huey Lin- Camp Mate
- Tai Kian Min- A Homosexual Prince Charming
- Loi Sooi Kee- Snow White
- Snow White is looking for Prince Charming and found out that he was in Camp.
- She wanted to go camp, but got no money; so go borrow from Ah Long.
- While departing, Snow Black and Snow Blacker annoy her about her supplies that she is bringing to camp.
- When she reach there, Prince Charming cannot be found. So want escape, but cannot because Gate Guard don't allow.
- First, Snow White gets caught by Sir James Ong Fung Chuan.
- Then, she also gets caught by Sir Vincent
- Next, by Miss May Suan
- Finally by Sir Cheng Keat
- As she is about to die of exhaustion, Sir Faruq comes and swoons Snow White away from Prince Charming.
- Prince Charming suddenly appears and charges at the couple, Snow White thinks he is coming for her but is knocked away instead as Prince Charming leaps into Sir Faruq's arms.
- "My name is Ong, James Ong."
- Caely and Kar Sing muttering gibberish as they discussed about lending Snow White 10 bucks.
- Prince Charming saying: "SEI HOI LAH!" to Snow White as he pushes her out of the way.
- The entire Senior group singing this song as Snow White tries to leave camp:
Woman, what are you doing here?
I said,
Woman, you cannot pass through here.
I said,
Woman, you cannot exit the camp,
You must-have-a-permission-slip.
(Tun, Tun, Tun, Tuuun.)
You must have a permission slip.
You must have a permission slip.
You can go out of camp,
No matter who you are,
You just must a permission slip!
And so on and so forth.
Some more pictures:

(Snow White using Facebook.)

(Snow White entering camp)

(Ah Long and Mr. Ah Long talking.)

(Sir Vincent showing off.)

(Seniors singing the song above while dancing.)

(Sir Faruq calling for Snow White.)
All in all, the Scouters were pretty amazed by our performance that night. Actually, everyone was. So, another job well done, Seniors. Oorah.
After that it was time for our open talk. Many issues were settled and we were all dead tired by the end of it. So then it was off for some shut eye for the next day.
(To Be Continued)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Annual Camp 2008 (pt1)
Time for an update.
Time: 18/04/08 - 20/04/08
Place: SMK Taman SEA
Who: The Seniors of 17th PJ
As per usual, we had our Flag- Break in the dark; which caused Caely to almost screw up the ceremony. After that, it was off to our first activity: First Aid (Yay...)
So as we sat through Miss May Suan's lecture, she gave us a quote which would come back to haunt her: "If you have any questions, please stop me. If you don't then don't stop me." Accompanying her was Sir Faruq: a WSJ participant who was in my troop during the WSJ and Sir Cheng Keat: The Boss of the Seniors.

(Right: Miss May Suan)
So after listening to 'Blah, blah, blah" for about an hour, it was time for our first game: First Aid Quiz! (FAQ...) We were basically quizzed about the lecture, if you couldn't answer, your balloon will explode next to your chest.

(1. Amatuer nurses trying to kill me... 2. Kin Meng asking questions about his cancer... 3. Caely giving birth to a balloon while Hentai goes into an orgy...)
Note: Hentai looks like he is doing something obscene.
After that, it was time for supper.

(HAH! Take that Wai Yew!)
One thing that I cannot stand about supper: The Milo. Do you know how (expletive) hot they serve it to you? It's like drinking boiling oil! Except that the oil is replaced with Milo! Anyway, we forcefully chugged it down our throats despite our common sense. After that, we went to clean up our den (AGAIN) despite doing it for like 4 - 6 times previously.
By the end of it all, we were ready to get some shut eye and claim our sleeping territory in the classrooms like warlords.
(To Be Continued...)
Time: 18/04/08 - 20/04/08
Place: SMK Taman SEA
Who: The Seniors of 17th PJ
- Caely See
- Lee Kin Meng
- Geoffrey Kok
- Tai Kian Min
- Loi Sooi Kee
- Leong Wai Yew
- Chan Chee Kin
- Loong Sheng Li
- Emily Wong
- Cheong Kah Hao
- Adrian Choo
- Teng Han Liang
- Lim Jun Yan
- Ivan Chooi
- Tan Huey Lin
- Joel Soon
- Ooi Khai Sern
- Lee Kar Sing
As per usual, we had our Flag- Break in the dark; which caused Caely to almost screw up the ceremony. After that, it was off to our first activity: First Aid (Yay...)
So as we sat through Miss May Suan's lecture, she gave us a quote which would come back to haunt her: "If you have any questions, please stop me. If you don't then don't stop me." Accompanying her was Sir Faruq: a WSJ participant who was in my troop during the WSJ and Sir Cheng Keat: The Boss of the Seniors.

(Right: Miss May Suan)
So after listening to 'Blah, blah, blah" for about an hour, it was time for our first game: First Aid Quiz! (FAQ...) We were basically quizzed about the lecture, if you couldn't answer, your balloon will explode next to your chest.

(1. Amatuer nurses trying to kill me... 2. Kin Meng asking questions about his cancer... 3. Caely giving birth to a balloon while Hentai goes into an orgy...)
Note: Hentai looks like he is doing something obscene.
After that, it was time for supper.

(HAH! Take that Wai Yew!)
One thing that I cannot stand about supper: The Milo. Do you know how (expletive) hot they serve it to you? It's like drinking boiling oil! Except that the oil is replaced with Milo! Anyway, we forcefully chugged it down our throats despite our common sense. After that, we went to clean up our den (AGAIN) despite doing it for like 4 - 6 times previously.
By the end of it all, we were ready to get some shut eye and claim our sleeping territory in the classrooms like warlords.
(To Be Continued...)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Blog update
This is your I.T. Chief speaking.
The blog will soon have a new skin. I have commissioned our troop 'artist' and heterosexual deviant: Tai Kian Min, to create a new blog skin.
@Tai Kian Min- All of us are expecting results soon...
That is all.
The blog will soon have a new skin. I have commissioned our troop 'artist' and heterosexual deviant: Tai Kian Min, to create a new blog skin.
@Tai Kian Min- All of us are expecting results soon...
That is all.
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