1) Hari Kantin
It was a glorious day. Caely was put in charge of the Scouts booth in school and as usual, all the Seniors became her slaves.
The Scouts sold 3 types of edible items: Pan-fried Honey chicken (Tepanyaki style), Tau Foo Fah and Peach/strawberry flavoured Tea.
(Pictures will be provided in next post)
So, we had 2 full-time Tepanyaki chefs (Geoffrey and Kin Meng) at the booth splattering hot oil on everyone close by. It was fun to say the least as they yelped in sudden pain.
Surprisingly, the Honey chicken was a hot-sell as at one point, we had a total of 27!! orders on the waiting list. The Chefs had to work non-stop till their arms blistered with sizzling oil to say the least.
After the morning session was over, we had collected a total of Rm 550++. It was then we decided to go for a thousand bucks.
The afternoon session was equally crowded as the first session. Before long, we had sold off all our Honey Chicken. However, The Tau Foo Fah wasn't doing so well.
So the Seniors banded up and came up with a masochistic idea.
For 1 ringgit, Two Seniors would race against time to eat one bowl of Tau Foo Fah. With the slowest one the loser. Sort of like one those TV game shows. You might now ask: "Who would be such a big sucker as to pay for that?!"
You would be surprised as the Juniors paid more that RM20 for this sort of thing. Most notable of course, was the match up between me and Chee Ken. 2 bowls of Tau Foo Fah in one minute. I finished both in 30 sec and proceeded to the Kantin to puke... while Chee Ken put on a Barney mask to dance in front of Pn. Julie...
In total, we earned a record breaking Rm 850 give or take.
2)Hari Sukan Marching.
That day was an awesome day. Especially since we got third place(a first in many years...) and our squad consisted mainly of Form 1 & 2s. The Squad commander was yours truly.
What was really surprising was that the Juniors LOVED to march...
Our Formation was the 'peace' sign shaped like a Swastika. (The one on Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu for Bleach watchers)
In short, We had a victory party later in McD. Also, a BBQ is being planned as a victory bash later.
In Other News...
1)Bukit Bintang Campfire coming up. If you want to go, please write down your name in the piece of paper in front of the scout den to avoid Sir Yee En screwing you.
2)The Scouts Association of Malaysia has officially entered Malaysian Book of Records for building the tallest structure using only Bakau.

More updates to come...
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