After a restful nap of 3 hours, Day 2 had begun for the seniors.
First thing wake- go toilet; only to find it infested with the opposite sex using it as you enter groggily.
So as they argued with toothpaste in their mouth about which gender should use which toilet, Everyone else was getting ready for their first activity:
We seniors seem to have nothing better to do other than to wake up 6 AM to get ready for marching. Oh well, such is the life of a Senior...
Anyway, after about an hour of marching, it was time for breakfast. Which consisted of: 1 sausage, 1 slice of toast and 1 hard-boiled egg. Furthermore, we were going to be doing Pioneering next. I therefore conclude that the amount of food given above is more than enough energy to: 1) Carry numerous Bakau's 2) Tie said Bakau's tightly with Jut rope (Requires about 5 minutes of constant tugging and pulling with all your strength per lashing.) 3) Raise said structure up once complete and 4) Endure through 2-3 hours of Backwoodsman cooking before lunch at 2-3 PM.
I would also like to say that Sir Tuck Loong said that our Hourglass tower was the straightest he had ever seen. Well done, Seniors.
Some photos of said activity.

( The Seniors of 2008)

(The Missing Photographer)

(Lifting up the base)

(Our TL trying to be a monkey) [Note the spikes below him...]

(The splinter group building their own structure.)

(Monkey see, monkey do.)

(Until ladder break, thats when monkey can see but cannot do...)
Yes, the ladder broke after I climbed up... God is bored...
Anyway, after I flew down via my super acrobatic abilities, it was time for Backwoodsman cooking.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words so:

(Whatever patrol gathering around what seems to be crap on a banana leaf...)

(Caely presenting her main cooking ingredient: Dung) [Or is it mud?]
In the end, Caely's patrol had the best chicken, though the Scouter's helped them much more than anyone else. White Spot came in a close second.
After lunch it was a bit of relaxation time for us Seniors. Heavy lunch ya see...
It was then we began planning for our Cultural Night sketch. Details later as they say to save the best for last.
Our next activity: Treasure Hunting for our dinner. White Spot patrol got Sir Cheng Keat to hide their food in the most stupid of places (Inside clogged water pipe and another item inside a bush full of spiky leaves for example.)
As the sun began to set, it was time to cook dinner. It was disastrous for the White Spot Patrol... to say the least.Seeing as how no one could cook properly, while the only one who could was me; often with edibility only in mind instead of taste as well.
Then it was time for our Cultural Night.
I would like to state now that the Seniors owned the floor that night. Rocking the camp with the awesome-est sketch ever in my 5 years as a scout. Furthermore, we even created a song to go along.
But first, the details.
Title: Camp Break (Derived from Prison Break)
- Geoffrey Kok- Sir Fung Chuan
- Leong Wai Yew- Sir Vincent 'X' Lim
- Chan Chee Kin- Sir Faruq
- Teng Han Liang- Sir Cheng Keat
- Ooi Khai Sern- Miss May Suan
- Lee Kin Meng- Gate Guard
- Caely See- Ah Long
- Lee Kar Sing- Ah Long's Husband
- Joel Soon- Snow Black
- Lim Jun Yan- Snow Blacker
- Adrian- Camp Mate
- Tan Huey Lin- Camp Mate
- Tai Kian Min- A Homosexual Prince Charming
- Loi Sooi Kee- Snow White
- Snow White is looking for Prince Charming and found out that he was in Camp.
- She wanted to go camp, but got no money; so go borrow from Ah Long.
- While departing, Snow Black and Snow Blacker annoy her about her supplies that she is bringing to camp.
- When she reach there, Prince Charming cannot be found. So want escape, but cannot because Gate Guard don't allow.
- First, Snow White gets caught by Sir James Ong Fung Chuan.
- Then, she also gets caught by Sir Vincent
- Next, by Miss May Suan
- Finally by Sir Cheng Keat
- As she is about to die of exhaustion, Sir Faruq comes and swoons Snow White away from Prince Charming.
- Prince Charming suddenly appears and charges at the couple, Snow White thinks he is coming for her but is knocked away instead as Prince Charming leaps into Sir Faruq's arms.
- "My name is Ong, James Ong."
- Caely and Kar Sing muttering gibberish as they discussed about lending Snow White 10 bucks.
- Prince Charming saying: "SEI HOI LAH!" to Snow White as he pushes her out of the way.
- The entire Senior group singing this song as Snow White tries to leave camp:
Woman, what are you doing here?
I said,
Woman, you cannot pass through here.
I said,
Woman, you cannot exit the camp,
You must-have-a-permission-slip.
(Tun, Tun, Tun, Tuuun.)
You must have a permission slip.
You must have a permission slip.
You can go out of camp,
No matter who you are,
You just must a permission slip!
And so on and so forth.
Some more pictures:

(Snow White using Facebook.)

(Snow White entering camp)

(Ah Long and Mr. Ah Long talking.)

(Sir Vincent showing off.)

(Seniors singing the song above while dancing.)

(Sir Faruq calling for Snow White.)
All in all, the Scouters were pretty amazed by our performance that night. Actually, everyone was. So, another job well done, Seniors. Oorah.
After that it was time for our open talk. Many issues were settled and we were all dead tired by the end of it. So then it was off for some shut eye for the next day.
(To Be Continued)
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